Niklaus Schiess

Results 14 comments of Niklaus Schiess

599187463fef63ccddc7075fd04596b3b7a1cc25 should fix this. Not sure how this was never a problem before... :smile:

It's a bug in `python-jose`: ``` ➜ ~ deen -v [ ERROR - 2019-05-16 12:13:29,146 - deen.plugins.DeenPluginJwt - - unprocess() ] Invalid payload string: Expecting value: line 1 column...

The reason why it is not included is that `python-dicttoxml` is only available in AUR. Currently, the PKGBUILD only contains packages in `depends` which are available via pacman. Not sure...

Hi, thanks for bringing this up. However, does it still work on older Python version when the loop argument is removed?

I cannot really tell you what's the problem, but indeed I guess it might be related to newer Python versions. When I was actively working on this project a couple...

Running the bus monitor does not establish a session because KNXnet/IP is based on UDP. The client will most likely not know if a gateway drops the connection. Introducing a...

Good catch, thanks for creating the issue. I haven't really done any testing on Windows systems so this has been unnoticed for quite some time. Do you happen to know...

The way the search function works is actually quite unconventional. It took me some time to figure out how to implement it properly with asyncio. The other functions are pretty...

I also think that would be a great addition. I will work on this ASAP, thanks for the hint!

Thanks for your submission. The hints for the different operating systems and distros are very useful, I think we should track this in the future and add further hints. The...