EXT_skeleton_humanoid icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
EXT_skeleton_humanoid copied to clipboard






Written against the glTF 2.0 spec


This extension predefines a default humanoid skeleton structure, allows to remap glTF animations to any humanoid model that follows the default skeleton structure, and improves the reusability of humanoid animations.

Humanoid model is one of the popular 3D assets. You will find a lot of humanoid models in glTF assets download websites.

The glTF 2.0 core specification supports Linear Blend Skinning. Humanoid animations, eg: Walk, Run, and Jump, are generally achieved with skinning. Reusing humanoid animation that is made for a certain humanoid model to other humanoid models is not easy in glTF because of lack of animation remapping mechanism.

The difficulty of remapping comes from that different humanoid models may have different structured skeletons because the glTF 2.0 core does not specify default humanoid skeleton structure.

Another reason is that animation target in the glTF 2.0 core is tied to a certain node in the same glTF file and there is no way to target a node in other glTF files.

Because of these two reasons there is no simple, clear, and common workflow for applying humanoid animation made for a certain humanoid model to other humanoid models. Currently even common humanoid animations like Walk need to be made for each humanoid model. It is very costly. The capability of remapping Humanoid animation helps to reduce the cost by reusing animation data.

This extension allows easy and efficient humanoid animation remapping across humanoid models that use the extension. The basic idea consists of

  • The extension predefines default humanoid skeleton structure (a series of bones, their hierarchy, and reference pose)
  • The skeletons of humanoid models that use this extension follow the structure of the default humanoid skeleton
  • The extension allows animation channel to specify a target node with a predefined bone name
  • The extension lets animation data represent as relative transform from the reference pose

The implementations will be able to easily achieve humanoid animation remapping by

  • Loading an animation data
  • Loading a humanoid model
  • Finding an animation target node by a predefined bone name
  • Applying animation calculated from the reference pose

Also, this extension allows to create common humanoid animation library because animation target is no longer tied to a certain node in the same glTF file.


In scope

  • Remap animation among the same or similar structured skeletons.
    • Same or similar structured skeletons allow easy, efficient, and accurate animation remapping.
  • Humanoid bone rotation animation.
    • To keep the remapping algorithm efficient and easy, this extension targets only rotation animation.

Out of scope

  • Retarget animation among differently structured skeletons.
    • Because it may be costly, complex, or less accurate.
  • Add constraints to joints.
    • To avoid complexity. It should be defined in another extension that extends this extension.
  • Humanoid bone translation and scale animation.
    • To avoid complexity and inefficiency. They should be defined in another extension that extends this extension.


This example video shows that the same waving hand keyframe animation data is applied to two different humanoid models.


The models are originally from

  • https://hub.vroid.com/en/characters/287819523106027526/models/7392039141849953586
  • https://hub.vroid.com/en/characters/2843975675147313744/models/5644550979324015604

and edited a bit to follow the extension.

Predefined skeleton

Humanoid bone set and hierarchy


Body parts Bone name
Hips hips
Waist spine
Abdomen chest
Bladebone upperChest
Neck neck


Body parts Bone name
Left shoulder leftShoulder
Left humerus leftUpperArm
Left forearm leftLowerArm
Left hand leftHand
Right shoulder rightShoulder
Right humerus rightUpperArm
Right forearm rightLowerArm
Right hand rightHand


Body parts Bone name
Left thigh leftUpperLeg
Left lower thigh leftLowerLeg
Left foot leftFoot
Left toe leftToes
Right thigh rightUpperLeg
Right lower thigh rightLowerLeg
Right foot rightFoot
Right toe rightToes


Body parts Bone name
Left eye leftEye
Right eye rightEye
Head head
Jaw jaw


Body parts Bone name
Left Thumb - Basal leftThumbMetacarpal
Left Thumb - Middle leftThumbProximal
Left Thumb - Tip leftThumbDistal
Left Index - Basal leftIndexProximal
Left Index - Middle leftIndexIntermediate
Left Index - Tip leftIndexDistal
Left Middle - Basal leftMiddleProximal
Left Middle - Middle leftMiddleIntermediate
Left Middle - Tip leftMiddleDistal
Left Ring - Basal leftRingProximal
Left Ring - Middle leftRingIntermediate
Left Ring - Tip leftRingDistal
Left Little - Basal leftLittleProximal
Left Little - Middle leftLittleIntermediate
Left Little - Tip leftLittleDistal
Right Thumb - Basal rightThumbMetacarpal
Right Thumb - Middle rightThumbProximal
Right Thumb - Tip rightThumbDistal
Right Index - Basal rightIndexProximal
Right Index - Middle rightIndexIntermediate
Right Index - Tip rightIndexDistal
Right Middle - Basal rightMiddleProximal
Right Middle - Middle rightMiddleIntermediate
Right Middle - Tip rightMiddleDistal
Right Ring - Basal rightRingProximal
Right Ring - Middle rightRingIntermediate
Right Ring - Tip rightRingDistal
Right Little - Basal rightLittleProximal
Right Little - Middle rightLittleIntermediate
Right Little - Tip rightLittleDistal

Bone hierarchy

└─ hips
   ├─ spine
   │  └─ chest
   │     └─ upperChest
   │        ├─ neck
   │        │  └─ head
   │        │     ├─ [left|right]Eye
   │        │     └─ jaw
   │        └─ [left|right]Shoulder
   │           └─ [left|right]UpperArm
   │              └─ [left|right]LowerArm
   │                 └─ [left|right]Hand
   │                    ├─ [left|right]ThumbMetacarpal
   │                    |  └─ [left|right]ThumbProximal
   │                    |     └─ [left|right]ThumbDistal
   │                    └─ [left|right][Index|Middle|Ring|Little]Proximal
   │                       └─ [left|right][Index|Middle|Ring|Little]Intermediate
   │                          └─ [left|right][Index|Middle|Ring|Little]Distal
   └─ [left|right]UpperLeg
      └─ [left|right]LowerLeg
         └─ [left|right]Foot
            └─ [left|right]Toes
  • Each humanoid bone is optional. If a bone node does not exist in a skeleton, its parent will be the parent of its children. For example if chest bone does not exist spine bone node will be parent of upperChest bone node, like (parent) spine - upperChest (child).
  • Intermediate non-humanoid bone nodes are allowed to be between parent and child bone nodes. For example (parent) hips - boneFoo - boneBar - spine (child) is valid.
  • Between parent and child bone nodes other humanoid bone nodes of the same skeleton MUST NOT be. For example (parent) hips - chest - spine (child) is invalid.

Non-normative comment

This skeleton structure is strongly based on Unity Mecanim Humanoids and compatible with VRM 1.0 humanoid bone set.

Because of the compatibility with major humanoid structures, this extension may allow to reuse their existing ecosystems or workflow.

Reference pose

The extension adds some restrictions to the reference pose to ease the animation remapping.

  • The character uses T-Pose as reference pose.
  • The character must face along the positive direction of the Z-axis.
  • The arms must be spread along the X-axis. The left arm should therefore be pointing along the positive direction of the X-axis.
  • The top of the character's head must be up, in the positive direction of the Y-axis.
  • The character's hands are flat and palms facing the ground.
  • The fingers straight parallel to the ground along x axis.
  • The thumbs straight parallel to the ground half way (45 degrees) between x and z axis.
  • The character's feet need to be perpendicular to the legs (with the toes pointing along the Z-axis). The feet must not be rotated around the Y-axis (meaning the toes of the left foot should not point inward toward the right leg or outward away from the right leg).
  • The bone node directs the +Y axis from the parent joint to the child joint.
  • The bone node's +X rotation bends the joint like a muscle contracting.

Non-normative comment

This restrictions are strongly based on Vircadia Avatar Standards Guide Reference pose and Godot engine Rest fixer.

Example skeleton

These screenshots shows an example skeleton following the default skeleton structure and reference pose

(Credit: Blender with VRM addon)

body hand

Skeleton definition

The EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension in root glTF allows to define humanoid skeletons. glTF.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.humanoidSkeletons takes an array of humanoid skeleton definitions.

glTF.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.humanoidSkeleton.humanoidBones defines a map from the predefined humanoid bone names to nodes. The referred nodes MUST be joint nodes.

Implementation Note: All the bone nodes of a humanoid skeleton MAY belong to a single skin or MAY be scattered among multiple skins.

glTF.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.humanoidSkeleton.rootNode specifies a skeleton root node.

"extensions": {
    "EXT_skeleton_humanoid": {
        "humanoidSkeletons": [
                "rootNode": 0,
                "humanoidBones": {
                    "neck": 1,
                    "leftHand": 2,
                    "rightHand": 3,

Schema: glTF.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.schema.json

EXT_skeleton_humanoid property

Property Type Description Requires
humanoidSkeletons humanoidSkeleton [1-*] An array of skeleton definitions :white_check_mark: Yes

humanoidSkeleton property

Property Type Description Requires
rootNode integer node index as root node of this skeleton :white_check_mark: Yes
humanoidBones Object A map from the predefined bone names to node indices :white_check_mark: Yes

Animation definition

The EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension in animation.channel.target allows to specify the target node with a humanoid bone name predefined in the "Humanoid bone and hierarchy" section.

"animations": [
        "channels": [
                "sampler": 0,
                "target": {
                    "path": "rotation",
                    "extensions": {
                        "EXT_skeleton_humanoid": {
                            "humanoidBoneName": "neck",
                "sampler": 1,
                "target": {
                    "path": "rotation"
                    "extensions": {
                        "EXT_skeleton_humanoid": {
                            "humanoidBoneName": "leftHand",
                "sampler": 2,
                "target": {
                    "path": "rotation"
                    "extensions": {
                        "EXT_skeleton_humanoid": {
                            "humanoidBoneName": "rightHand",

animation.sampler reffered by a animation.channel that defines this extension MUST NOT be reffered by another animation.channel that does not define this extension.

animation.target.path MUST be rotation, translation, or scale.

Implementation Note: In general only rotation path should be used. There is no guarantee that translation and scale animation can be accurately applied among humanoid skeletons.

Schema: animation.channel.target.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.schema.json

Animation property

Property Type Description Requires
humanoidBoneName string A predefined bone name to specify a target node :white_check_mark: Yes

Animation remapping

An animation channel that defines the EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension is expected to be remapped to a humanoid model that defines the EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension.

The implementation can find a target node of a humanoid model by accessing EXT_skeleton_humanoid.humanoidSkeleton.humanoidBoneName as like the following pseudo code.

boneName = animation.channel.target.extensions.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.humanoidBoneName;
targetNodeIndex = glTF.extensions.EXT_skeleton_humanoid.humanoidSkeletons[skeletonIndex].humanoidBones[boneName];

animation.sampler referred by animation.channel whose target defines the EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension is expected to hold keyframe animation data that represents relative transform from target node's reference pose.

The reference poses are specified with skin.inverseBindMatrices so remapped animation can be calculated as like the following pseudo code.

bindWorldMatrix = invertMatrix(inverseBindMatrix);
bindLocalMatrix = parentInverseBindMatrix * bindWorldMatrix;
animatedLocalMatrix = bindLocalMatrix * composeMatrix(translation, rotation, scale);
(animatedTranslation, animatedRotation, animatedScale) = decomposeMatrix(animatedLocalMatrix);

Appendix - What is the difference from VRM

Non-normative extension proposal author comment

VRM may be a well known humanoid avatar format based on glTF and it has a glTF humanoid skeleton extension. The readers who know VRM may wonder why we need another humanoid skeleton extension.

One of the major motivation of proposing the EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension is to free from the limitations of VRM.

VRM has a strong restriction that it allows only one model in a single file. Its humanoid skeleton extension follows this restriction so that only one skeleton can be defined in a single file.

It may be a bit too strong limitation and some workflows may not be compatible with VRM due to the limitation.

The EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension does not add such a limitation. Multiple humanoid models and multiple skeletons can be included in a single glTF file.

Another disadvantage of VRM is it does not specify keyframe animation or animation remapping although they are important features for humanoid models. The EXT_skeleton_humanoid extension supports them.

VRM is primarily designed as VR avatar model format and has unique features and restrictions. I think it is not good to be tied to their restrictions and their specific ecosystems just for creating a humanoid model in glTF. I hope we have a humanoid skeleton multi-vendor extension that is simpler and has less restrictions.

If this extension will be accepted, the VRM humanoid extension (and other rich humanoid extensions) may extend this extension.