
Results 12 comments of taishi-i

Hi @TwoDeen. I sent [a pull request](https://github.com/keon/awesome-nlp/pull/282) for adding NLP in Jpanese Section. If you are interested in Japanese NLP, see also this awesome list - [awesome-japanese-nlp-resources](https://github.com/taishi-i/awesome-japanese-nlp-resources). Thanks!

Hello, @polm The reason for selecting versions of mecab-python3 is because the current version of transformers with cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese-whole-word-masking is not available. `Toiro` provides the text classification model based on transformers...

Hi @kdrkdrkdr. Thank you for using nagisa! I am very sorry about this. Nagisa does not support GPU. Nagisa does some optimizations to make the neural nets run faster on...

> Is there a way to do additional learning with the already pretrained files? Yes, it is possible! The following method (`nagisa.train._start`) can be used to retrain the pretrained files....

Hi @kdrkdrkdr. I have created a working code to help you retrain the pretrained model. It can be used to retrain the pretrained model by utilizing naigsa internal methods. Since...

Thanks for the advice. I interpreted adding some lines `tagger = Tagger()` and functions (e.g, `tagging = tagger.taggging`) to \_\_init\_\_.py. , is it correct?

Regarding a cache layer, should I refer to methods written on lines 91 to 168 in https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/blob/master/jieba/__init__.py and add them to the class Tagger?

Hi @ryanswilson59 ! Thank you for using nagisa and letting me know about the error. I have confirmed that it works with Python 3.9.7 on ubuntu 20.04 as follows. Could...

Thank you for the information. I used CI tools to check work with Python 3.9 on ubuntu. It works fine with ubuntu ( [CI result 1](https://github.com/taishi-i/nagisa/actions/runs/1376248369), [CI result 2](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/taishi-i/nagisa)). However,...

Hi @worthy7. Thank you for using nagisa and sending us a bug report. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I would like to investigate the cause of the error, so...