@bwilkerson Thanks for your attention. I've tried to get some logs following the steps from the link, and found that the reason maybe was the ".flutterw" folder in my project...
[as_instrumentation_logs.txt](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/files/9242291/as_instrumentation_logs.txt) @bwilkerson Hi, this is the log file I got after the Android Studio started in the project.This is the case that the only new opened files can show the...
@bwilkerson Thanks for your guide to how to analyze a log file. Today I repeated many times to get and analyze the log files following your guide, and founded something...
@bwilkerson I'm sorry that in fact I don't quiet understand what > "Can you tell me what pattern you used in the analysis options file?" means.So I try to offer...
@bwilkerson Maybe "does not report any dianostics" is not equal to "not analyze them"? I means maybe the analyzer or plugins has tried to analyze them and then excluded them...
@bwilkerson > The question is: are there references to libraries in .flutterw from non-excluded files? I think the answer is YES. Because the `.flutterw` folder contains the whole Flutter framework...
@scheglov Thanks and I'll try to update the analyzer_plugin to 0.11.1 in the future.But for the current time we use the flutter 2.10 and it's not campatible with 0.11.1.
@incendial Thanks. My dart-code-metircs version is 4.16.0, and Dart version is 2.16.1, Flutter version is based on 2.10.2 (which has a little custom made from my company)
> and the analyzer version is 4.1.0; the analyzer_plugin version is 0.10.0 in the pubspec.lock file