I have to embed the ssod in mmcv. whenever i made changes in softTeacher file i have to add it in mmcv
Can you please elaborate what do you mean by "execute train.py from ssod"?
apt update python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/tahirashehzadi/Semi-Supervised-Floor-Plan-Detection.git' python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/gouthamkallempudi/mmdetection.git' pip install timm pip uninstall mmdet==2.18.1 pip install mmdet==2.17.0 apt clean I am installing these and directly embed...
> Why are you doing this `python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/tahirashehzadi/Semi-Supervised-Floor-Plan-Detection.git'`? > > You first need to train it with your dataset and after that you can perform inference following...
> Can I use this code base (python -m pip install 'git+[https://github.com/tahirashehzadi/Semi-Supervised-Floor-Plan-Detection.git')](https://github.com/tahirashehzadi/Semi-Supervised-Floor-Plan-Detection.git'%EF%BC%89) to replace the backbone with a one-stage one? @tahirashehzadi sure