Tony Sun

Results 3 issues of Tony Sun

danmaku_tile.dart中出了以下几处魔数,我研究了一下,提供几个改进思路,欢迎指正 ``` controller = AnimationController( duration: Duration(seconds: **15**), vsync: this, ); ``` ``` animation = Tween(end: max-widget.danmaku.msg.length.toDouble() * **12**, begin: -widget.danmaku.msg.length.toDouble() * **15**) ``` 其实window.physicalSize提供返回的大小并不正确(永远是屏幕分辨率),可用```MediaQuery.of(context).size```替换试试看。 另外text大小可以测量,可以用MediaQuery.of(context).size,但要先渲染一个透明的text才能测 下面的方法似乎更好一点 ``` Size _getTextSize(String...

### Description Thanks to Cupy, I'm able to migrate my project from CPU to GPU. However, I rely on `scipy.sparse.diag_block` operation, which is not available in Cupy. I have to...

contribution welcome
good first issue

the onOrientationChange is too sensitive for my app. it change the orientation from landscape to portrait when I lay the phone on the table. (the screen face to sky) It...
