Tad Hunt
Tad Hunt
# Summary * This is a… * [X] Bug fix * [ ] Feature addition * [ ] Documentation * [ ] Refactoring * [ ] Minor / simple change...
# Summary * This is a… * [ ] Bug fix * [ ] Feature addition * [ ] Documentation * [X] Refactoring * [ ] Minor / simple change...
# Summary * This is a… * [ ] Bug fix * [X] Feature addition * [ ] Documentation * [ ] Refactoring * [ ] Minor / simple change...
I have a .schem file with width 127 and length 113 (according to `nbt.getShort("Width")` and `nbt.getShort("Length")` in `Schematic.toWorld()` ). With the default spawn point set in `server.properties` (`world-spawn=world;20.5;17;22.5;-90;0`), some parts...