Tadeusz Wójcik
Tadeusz Wójcik
@badrishc , @cybertyche I really appreciate your thoughtful responses, thank you! @badrishc I think I get it now and I'll use `Publish` I think, as from what I understand it's...
@cybertyche oh, that makes sense, thank you! Looking forward for more of your thoughts. Maybe I should also clarify what I'd like to achieve in general. There will be one...
Sure, I've created simple project (.net core 3 preview) with repro - https://github.com/tadeuszwojcik/trill-sample . I bet it's me not doing something incorrect ... just not sure what. Regarding QueryContainer, ok...
Great, thanks for looking into this! I'll play around with ArraySegment as it seems to be perfect for my use case.
@cybertyche I've looked a bit more into ingress via `ArraySegment` and it's looking really nice so far, thanks for the tip! I've been reading over and over query writing guide...
Use could simply use `superagent` explicitly and `supertest-chai` only for assertions, so it would like something like: ``` js var requests = require('superagent'); var chai = require("chai"); chai.should(); chai.use(require('supertest-chai').httpAsserts); request...
Indeed, you're of course right. Will fix it ASAP.
@argyleink, @thundernixon all of this looks awesome, but is that possible to build as devtools extension (given extensions constrains)?