Trevor Brindle

Results 24 comments of Trevor Brindle

This is fantastic work, thank you for contributing! - I'm open to leaving the last two tasks unfinished if tickets are made and you promise to follow up! - Outstanding...

- Awesome. Eslint is there to help us not screw things up, I dont think thats whats happening here. - By using webpack and bundling, can we continue using older...

@gengjiawen This is great work! does this work with 2FA? I have it enabled on my npm account, and want to keep it.

This is awesome - I'll take a deeper look at it tomorrow, but as of now, my only suggestion is that we use the more conventional naming of `envinfo.config.js` webpack...

Are we reasonably confident with the state of this PR? I think it's good to go. We can iterate as we get adoption.

Yes, I think this approach would work. Would this need to be a separate feature/PR? I think this one is mostly complete for the original intentions.

I've found that sometimes the underlying command `mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier==''"` and similar doesn't actually find the browsers, even when they are there although intermittently. Since mdfind seems to be a cli...

Ideally, it would be done based on each PR landing in master, using conventional commits. I took care of the conventional commits part, one of you can set up the...

While I do WANT to drive adoption of my project, I had the same thought after reading that issue. I'm ok with a few core projects staying in (CRA, styled-components,...

yeah this is a quirk with the webpack process, definitely needs addressed. A bit ironic, isn't it? :-|