
Results 12 comments of tablecell

> > > It looks like your two examples are the same? Is there a type? Or, can you explain the problem a bit more? issue updated http://localhost:8080/hello/xxx/ return {"message":"Page...

----- 原文 ----- 发件人: Ji.K 主 题: [tablecell\/mirrorsite] error (#1)时 间: 2016年4月5日 上午9:28:54pythone 2.7 macpro15 usage: python see it: Error: 500 Internal Server Error Sorry, the requested URL ''...

@bentranter code snippets from

@bentranter ``` func mainHandler(ctx *golf.Context) { ctx.Send("Hello") ctx.Send(" World!") } ``` output is Hello ctx.Send only run once ?

```html label { display:inline; vertical-align:top; } title js es5 es6 content ```

formidable works ok ```C'/upload', function upload($){ var form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); form.parse($.request, function(err, fields, files) { console.log(fields); console.log($.body); console.log($.params); $.data.file =files['upfile']['path']; // $.return(); $.end('multipart: ' + $.data.file ) });...

use formidable ```J var formidable = require('formidable'); ...'/upload', function($){ console.log($.files); var form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); form.parse($, function(err, fields, files) { console.log(fields); console.log(files); }); console.log($.multipart); $.end('multipart: ' + $.multipart) })...

@Wardrop Is there other way to require controllers like "best practice "?

router is missing at /add ``` package main import ( "" "fmt" ) func main() { app := GoInk.New() app.Post("/add",func(ctx *GoInk.Context){ fmt.Println(ctx.Request) ctx.Body = []byte("add GoInk !") }) app.Run() }...

manualy create table ``` CREATE TABLE "User" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" text NOT NULL DEFAULT "azer/crud") ``` main.go ``` package main import ( "fmt" "" _...