Results 7 comments of tERBO

I'm running Win10 with 8Gigs of RAM and have no issues. Never had that kind of error message on my machine. Did a quick google search on that and it...

> what kind of issue with the Intel graphics? i'm not sure how to fix it, raycast ran fine until a couple of months ago when my laptop suddenly crashed,...

Try a fresh copy of MMD and ray-mmd. Looks like your old files somehow messed up new plugin.

You have to load ray.x on camera/light/accessory manipulation tab before those bars on MME...

Hi guys! Could you please check if your readers can read 7-byte UID mifare cards? Every 522 reader I've tried doesn't see this type of cards. There is some info...

Would like to have it back too. Was very convenient. Prompt S/R is not very clear replacement for what I've used to use...

It happened for me because of compromised password I used. After I changed it the addon started successfully.