Ying Chiao

Results 4 issues of Ying Chiao

您好,我使用 1.5.2 的版本,發生了閃退的問題 以下閃退資訊 ![截圖 2020-06-26 下午1 23 09](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32124047/85823632-7a2b3300-b7b0-11ea-9109-cf7900271679.png)

Hi, I found that the way to delete room data in the code is one-by-one deletion, which will make multiple connections to firestore, causing the deletion speed to be slow....

This is the same as PR #31 , but for solution branch Hi, I found that the way to delete room data in the code is one-by-one deletion, which will...

Hi, 我有一個需求是將裝置錄到的 PCM 串流傳給 Web,我使用這個 lib 發現持續傳遞一段時間後,播放會有很大的延遲,想請問如果我的 PCM 即時且持續的傳遞下,pcm-player 是否有針對這個進行優化呢?