To solve this, delete the **'selected'** attribute from the option.For exmample: `Choose your option` to `Choose your option`
> @t-walker-wei , > it doesn't work, even if you select selected somehow it is inserted. It should be work. And can you show me your code? The document example:...
Your second config file should apply to processor.py. According to code : https://github.com/bjornd/jvectormap/blob/master/converter/converter.py#L54 The config file should be like this if you want to use converter.py: ``` { "input_file": "path_to_shp_file",...
I should solved it.I flow the [document](https://jvectormap.com/documentation/gis-converter/) and use script **processor.py** Change https://github.com/bjornd/jvectormap/blob/1a905c88ff2f19dc9ac01f6611a9ef3384a6049b/converter/processor.py#L13 to ``` from booleano.parser import Grammar, SymbolTable, Bind from booleano.parser.core EvaluableParseManager ``` If have import EvaluableParseManager issue...
And, I should try the converter.py.It would be better have document for how to use script **converter.py**
I also face the same issue in ios. The keyboard cover input fields
It seems like canned none becons. It happened to me also, this problem gone after I power on my becons.
> Sorry, what is not work for you? Can you please be more details? I think what @lyqiai mean is : He wanted to use **webkit.messageHandlers.native/window.native** in **flutter_webview_plugin** loaded url....
> Sorry, u can't. My plugin used different web view instance. > Maybe for next version, I will allow for display as an option It will be awesome if support...
This solved my the same issue : [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65749767/error-the-method-inheritfromwidgetofexacttype-isnt-defined-for-the-class-bu)