Making Digital

Results 5 issues of Making Digital

Hello, Is there a way to rebuild a tree if there's a wrong affectation ? I don't find a function like this in the documentation. Thanks again for your help....

Hello, I follow your example to use your fantastic class. I've just configured it to create a tree for my categories. One essential question is how to create a nav...

Hello, I have this error when I try to install your package in Laravel : `Laravel pixelpeter/laravel5-woocommerce-api-client v3.0.0 requires automattic/woocommerce 1.3.* -> satisfiable by automattic/woocommerce[1.3.0] but these conflict with your...

Hi, I have a form with several files with rules like this : ` Field::make('Catalogue EN', 'catalog_file_en')->file()->rules('nullable|required_with:catalog_label_en|mimes:pdf,xls,xlsx'), Field::make('Libellé catalogue EN', 'catalog_label_en')->input()->rules('nullable|required_with:catalog_file_en'), ` I have always the validation rule if I...

Hi, I've updated munee to the last version. Unfortunately, the SCSS compilation doesn't work at all. The file is unchanged. I've only the SCSS source. I'm developing on a local...