Thomas Oster
Thomas Oster
Hi, btw great library. During stamping there are some error messages logged like ' Expression ${transaction.desription} could not be resolved against context root of ...'. It would be great if...
The Epilog driver support estimation of the job duration ( I think the idea is the same for all lasercutters, so maybe we should port this method into the LaserCutter...
As soon as I have time, I will do the following: Create a Java-Class with main-method (i.e. make the liblasercut.jar executable) which is a command-line-tool for executing LaserScript (see
Hi marlin people, I just stumbeled upon I think the marlin has native support for raster-data so it should be implemented in the marlin driver. Just override the sendJob...
Hi, nice UI. I would vote for this to be integrated in the system settings of ubuntu etc (I use arch btw ;)) However, since I have a long list...
This is my first attempt for #35. I added a button "duplicate", which calls the "add" function with an additional parameter. The add function then finds the selected row and...
Hi, I like this utility, because it helps to fix my messed up foto library. However since I have a few ten-thousand files, it takes some time and I miss...
Hi, this project would be really great running on android based set-top-boxes like the FireTV or Odroid. I am a linux guy, but not familiar with mono and also not...
Hi, I just encountered a problem with my linux zpool. I have root on zfs and boot it via grub2. It stopped working and it seems as if the problem...
Hi, Thanks for the great Container and all your work. Everthing works great so far, except for fop. I am logged in info freepbx and open /fop/admin in order to...