Thomas Mullen

Results 81 comments of Thomas Mullen

The `package.json` references `"main": "index.js",`, which doesn't exist. It doesn't seem this package was ever meant to work with module build tools, considering no files have any kind of export.

Go to Settings > Stream Stream Type: Custom Streaming Server URL: rtmp://localhost:1935/live Stream Key: STREAM_NAME Stream is now available at rtmp://localhost/live/STREAM_NAME Unfortunately the latency is abysmal, so your year-long wait...

The API reflects the old Plan-B WebRTC API, in which "streams" were added to a RTCPeerConnection with a native addStream method and you attached tracks to that outgoing stream. The...

You need to pass a stream to `addTrack`, it's used for track grouping and synchronization: The only method that doesn't require a stream is `sender.replaceTrack`, because the sender is...

> It is pretty easy to implement multiplexing/demultiplexing yourself if you really need it I originally felt the same way about multiplexing, but doing it in JS requires a significant...

OK, my bad for calling it "multiplexing" - I think it was first called that in the initial feature request. It is not.

simple-peer should detect the ice connection state `'failed'` and do this transparently (no public API, except maybe a max number of restart attempts). Restart is just renegotiation with `iceRestart: true`...

- We currently avoid glare by sending a `{ renegotiate: true }` message from the non-initiator to the initiator. We could expand this message to be `{ renegotiate: { iceRestart:...

The non-initiator isn't actually capable of initiating renegotiation or ICE restart, it's only capable of requesting it from the initiator. At least with the way we currently handle glare. Maybe...

Sure, if adding a listener to this event is safe for unsupported browsers. (Which seems to be the case). We shouldn't destroy the peer on these errors - they usually...