
Results 6 issues of <|°_°|>

#### Runtime Environment - Operating system and version: `Linux Mint 20.2 x86_64` - Terminal emulator and version: `kitty 0.24.2` - Python version: `Python 3.8.10` - Ranger version/commit: ``` ranger version:...

# Documentation: add keybinds ## Default form - [x] Have you [followed the contributing guidelines](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)? - [x] Are you working/merging into `develop`? - [ ] Do all tests pass ?...

# Documentation: add tips ## Default form - [x] Have you [followed the contributing guidelines](https://github.com/smallhadroncollider/taskell/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)? - [x] Are you working/merging into `develop`? - [ ] Do all tests pass ?...

# Export does not take every events ## Technical informations * Simple-Calendar version: `6.23.1` * Android: `13` ## What 1. Export events * Export events: `true` * Export tasks: `true`...

# Add [gnuplot](http://gnuplot.info/) Is it possible to add gnuplot in the image ? With this alpine package: [gnuplot](https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/community/x86_64/gnuplot).

Hello ! Is it possible to add this **NOT FREE** [API](https://isbndb.com/apidocs/v2) from [isbndb.com](https://isbndb.com/) ?
