Tom Arn
Tom Arn
Please add following feature to XCA, similar to what this tool here does: * Export the public key of a certificate as a JSON Web Key (JWK) This should...
I'm thinking about writing applications that run natively, but also on the JVM. Is it possible to write one single gui code, using the kotlin-libui syntax ? Can the kotlin-libui...
**BUG** Since I updated my Firefox to 66.0.2, HeaderEditor does not work anymore. Please fix this - I really like this Add-On ! Best regards Tom
Hello folks, I successfully compiled lcrypto-jdk12-177 with JDK6 and ran the test org.bouncycastle.crypto.test.RegressionTest It fails with following failures: Completed with 3 FAILURES: => SHA-3: Exception: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of...
### Describe the bug When you want briefcase to use an already installed Android SDK (on Windows), you can set the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT or ANDROID_HOME. When running `briefcase create...
On Android, the app crashes when there is a Table that contains too many cells **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Use the Toga example "table" as of...
This PR implements Window.open_file_dialog and Window.select_folder_dialog for Android. It uses the Android Storage Access Framework (SAF) which works with content URIs. So, open_file_dialog and select_folder_dialog return URIs, not paths like...
### Describe the bug Since the horizontal scrollview has been removed from the Android implementation of Table, it is not possible anymore to make the table scroll horizontally. I tried...
### Describe the bug When displaying a html file that contains a style element (on Android) the page is not rendered and remains white. The html file is rendered correctly...