Simon Zünd
Simon Zünd
I was just browsing the Torque user manual and thought a table of contents or something similar would be nice for larger articles. Especially for articles like the torque user...
v8_inspector::StringView can either be one-byte or two-byte strings. Node has currently two places where it's unconditionally assumed that it's a two-byte StringView. This requires the upstream V8 inspector to unnecessarily...
**Session Title:** JavaScript debugging with Chrome DevTools **Session Abstract:** Everything JavaScript in Chrome DevTools, including debugging and profiling. In particular we are interested in discussions and feature requests around the...
### Your GTNH Discord Username nimodota ### Mod Version 1.0.0-alpha50 ### Java Version Java 21 ### Graphics Card Vendor NVidia ### Bug Report This looks very similar to GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack#16233 but...