Balazs Szakmary
Balazs Szakmary
We have the same issue.
The most robust workaround I have found. Assuming Windows, NuGet packages at c:\NuGet, powershell: `if (-Not (Get-Item -Path '$Env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\toolResolverCache' -Force).LinkType) { Remove-Item -Force -Recurse '$Env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\toolResolverCache'; New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path '$Env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\toolResolverCache'...
I am having this problem in 2022 with the latest version. It is using ~1 out of 32 cores, ~1GB RAM out of 64GB available, and
@leth Thanks for attempting to help. This seems to be a part of the current official release of Git (I have git-lfs/3.0.2 (GitHub; windows amd64; go 1.17.2)), what would be...
My plan was to use winget (and some other tools) to make a script for development environment setup that would be used both by developers and build machines. It would...