Gábor Szabó

Results 105 comments of Gábor Szabó

We have tags for each event. (see the data/events/*.json files) and see the site how you can select the topics. Or UX is far from being good as most of...

There are two man pages committed in the man/ that are removed when you run `make clean`. Should those be removed from the repository or are they still needed? If...

Would you be interested in a GitHub Actions configuration?

Just adding another case: https://metacpan.org/pod/GD needs more than just `cpanm GD`. It would be nice if there was a clear link to the INSTALL file or the README file.

I don't think I'll have time to deal with that feature any time soon. Feel free to change it.

Another point: https://www.cpantesters.org/distro/N/namespace-autoclean.html?oncpan=1&distmat=1&version=0.29&grade=2 shows 996 reports and 99 passes. https://metacpan.org/pod/namespace::autoclean claims 3749 passing tests and 99 failing test. when I click on the failing tests I get to https://www.cpantesters.org/distro/N/namespace-autoclean.html?oncpan=1&distmat=1&version=0.29&grade=3 that...

Maybe `MetaCPAN::Public::API`

If I understand correctly META.json that comes in the zip file can include a list of immediate dependencies, but sometimes it is not the full list (e.g. when there is...

Thanks. It might be a good idea to add something about this to the FAQ of MetaCPAN.

Same problem on OSX using Python 3.5.2 @TheGuyverjoke is there a pull-request with the changes that created the zip file linked to?