It would be great if there were different kinds of experience, with multiple ladders. This way students can be recognised as the leader in different fields/abilities within the same course....
I think I'm getting validation issues on the save data directory when a local host port is specified for scraping (eg. http://localhost:88). Apologies if I'm overlooking something obvious. Any suggested...
When Rstudio calls: token
Really enjoying the shelf verb for package install & load. Is there any chance of deeper support to work in tandem with renv? For example some way of ensuring changes...
When using xsitemapGet(x) I'm getting a lot of url's returning "xmlParseEntityRef: no name" along with opening & ending tag mismatch. Although this package works flawlessly for the vast majority of...
It would be great to be able to install this without devtools.
Super interesting package. Just wondering if there is any chance of pushing this to CRAN also? It can be difficult to get permissions to use repositories other than CRAN in...
When running the following, Rstudio Crashes: p_load(outliertree, lubridate) df_temp % select(!where(is.Date)) #%>% outlier.tree(nthreads=1) df_temp