Sebastian Muszynski
Sebastian Muszynski
The next step is to request a properties periodically as the custom component is doing it. Just add this block to your configuration: ``` # first try sensor: - platform:...
I've released a fixed `xiaomi_miio_raw` version (`1.4.0`) right now. Please give it a try.
I would be happy if everybody could provide a list of good vs. bad properties. ``` ambvalue: Brightness of the ambient light. ambstatus: Ambient light on/off bls/bl: True if the...
I will remove `notifystatus` from python-miio.
Ups. You are right. In this case the exact solution is still undefined. :-(
Could somebody test this property set on the long run: ``` sensor: - platform: xiaomi_miio_raw name: Philips Eyecare Lamp Properties host: token: sensor_property: 'bright' sensor_unit: '%' default_properties_getter: 'get_prop' default_properties: -...
The set of properties provided by @Emilv2 cannot be used without dropping a feature (brightness of the ambient light). I'm unsure how to proceed here.
@ha0y You could help to improve `xiaomi_raw`. I'm happy about any contribution.
Could you try a simple command first: ``` miiocli -d gateway --ip --token xxxxxx info ``` If you device doesn't respond the token is probably wrong.
@matteos1 Please doesn't spam multiple repos and issues.