> I'm using influxdb-python with an InfluxDB instance with a self-signed SSL certificate. > > I have `ssl=True`, and `ssl_verify=False` is on by default (although I have also tried explicitly...
I prefer like other people who are using Elementary OS every day the possibility to have a wallpaper instead this gray background. I made an investigation and it looks that...
There is no need: With Eric we have found a solution. Will developers include this I do not care. But hardcoding a background is not a very good...
I suppose it requires cloakemail.svg I implemented it and it says `"svgs/social/cloakemail.svg" not found render of "page" failed:` `"svgs/social/" $name ".svg") (dict "width" 25 "height" 25)>: partial "svgs/social/cloakemail.svg" not found...
> Absolutely nothing to do with any image. You must be confusing. the error comes from the zzo theme. Theme is using svg files as icons. Anyway it is made...
> I have resolved the search function for my site > I had same issue of CORS. I have custom domain on AWS Route 53 and was using AWS...
Hi, I already fixed it a very long time ago but I do not remember now what I did. The site is working very long at Kind regards pon.,...
Probably the scss or css code is missing for mobile and that is why. Will have to figure it out and maybe will find the solution. I was a web...
So far after analysis of this complex theme I have found that it contains two files called theme and theme-mobile or something like that. They contain the css code. I...
steps to make it work: go to root_directory/themes/zzo copy assets and layouts to your root directory. Why? Well this way even if there will be an update for the zzo...