Aaron Turner

Results 57 comments of Aaron Turner

``` INFO:inviso-monitor:checking path: /tmp/hadoop-yarn/staging/history/done/2016/10/21 ERROR:inviso.jes:RpcBufferedReader only managed to read 0 out of 4 bytes Traceback (most recent call last): File "jes.py", line 43, in main monitor.run() File "/home/aaron_turner/inviso/jes/inviso/monitor.py", line 317,...

this actually seems like very low priority and while I understand the use case, I'm not sure adding this is worth the technical debt. Open to user comments.

only really useful with `eval` which should be just a `--force` flag to not use the SecureStore

replace with http://www.gravizo.com


~~so this is a challenge since loading a set of predictions happens before processing of any args/config files so knowing where to load the cache is not really possible. This...