Gareth Jones

Results 4 comments of Gareth Jones

r.e. the configure command not working, it looks like the bundle is using functionality which was deprecated in Symfony `3.4` and removed in `4.0`: >[2018-02-14 10:01:47] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Auto-registration...

I'm also seeing the following deprecation warnings on Symfony `3.4` related to the `GraphQLController` when using service config: ``` graphql: schema_class: "AppBundle\\GraphQL\\Schema" logger: "@logger" ``` and parameters ``` graphql.execution_context.class: AppBundle\GraphQL\ExecutionContext...

I ran into the same issue on an M1 Mac and found cloning the repo and manually building: ``` ➜ git clone ➜ docker build -t cameradar . ```...

That setup looks awesome and it's really cool to see this in use 😎 The Pixelcade has source up on GitHub: so it should be possible to dig in...