grails-audit-logging-plugin copied to clipboard
The Grails Audit Logging Plugin
As version 3 does not provide any way of customizing Stampable properties I'd suggest adding a generic type to Stampable trait.
Seems in Grails 3.3.10 the order of plugin initialisation is changed even if loadAfter = ['springSecurityCore'] is set, so the springSecurityService bean is not detected in AuditLoggingGrailsPlugin some times. Therefore,...
Seems there is an issue with logging due to a "Column 'date_created' cannot be null" and MySQL Using: grailsVersion=3.3.9 gormVersion=6.1.11.RELEASE audit-logging:3.0.4 name: 'mysql-connector-java', version: '5.1.47' ```insert into audit_log (persisted_object_id, property_name,...
Currently we do not support Mongo as a logging backend. Therefore, one must use a 2nd SQL dataStore for audit logging. See #179
Hi, we are implementing an application which uses the GORM multitenancy in DATABASE mode, e.g. ``` grails: gorm: multiTenancy: mode: DATABASE ``` However, the audit-logging plugin ignores the resolved tenant...
Snapshot deployment by Travis is broken: ``` Could not transfer artifact org.grails.plugins:audit-logging:jar:3.0.1-20180728.121554-1 from/to remote ( Could not write to resource 'org/grails/plugins/audit-logging/3.0.1-SNAPSHOT/audit-logging-3.0.1-20180728.121554-1.jar' ```
Split Stampable to allow different timestamp implements (java8 localdatetime) for example. Introduced plugin.yml instead of DefaultAuditLogConfig. Added initial unit test. Todo: - [ ] Add docs to implement trait using...
can we cache the log data into redis database at domain event level(onChange/onSave/onDelete) and that should be transactional.
Original Reporter: hollowaybrad Environment: Grails 2.4.3 Version: Grails-AuditLogging 1.0.1 Migrated From: The way the plugin is checking for the auditLog.disabled in the datasource: if (!application.config.auditLog.disabled && !datastore.config.auditLog.disabled) { appears...
It will an useful enhancement if we can add configurations like `grails.plugin.auditLog.logTableName` and `grails.plugin.auditLog.logColumnName` to capture the actual table name and column name respectively. They (actual names and domain class...