Symbioquine [[07:43:46]]( Nice work symbioquine and paul121 ! Just catching up on all this... [[07:44:19]]( I did a little digging through the Drupal core issue queue and found this, which...
@wmhilton Thanks for the quick response and the enthusiasm. That's great to hear about 1.0 simplifying the http decoration use-case! I've uploaded the prototype code at Please bear with...
> I read your WebRTCPeerNet.js code and was concerned that the entire packfile was sent as one message. I thought before we went any further, we should make sure we...
One approach would be to update line 4 of []( to be; ```javascript instance.editAttached && instance.editAttached.then(() => { ``` That would make it have no effect if the `wkt` behavior...
> Still curious why that behavior is being applied to the non-editable map in the first place though... I forget if that's a known limitation or what. The Drupal javascript...
> Ah I had a feeling there was a related issue: [farmOS/farmOS-map#94]( One strategy might be to leverage what I posted on that other issue: We could update the...
> The map icons may not be possible, at least not without refactoring the way that they are created. We don't actually create the icons ourselves and put a specific...
> it's going to add "Owner" to all existing assets - and maybe we don't really want that. Maybe we should leave it up to the user to decide how...
Instead of inventing a new API style for this, we could us my [farmOS_wfs module]( I'd be happy to review/accept pull requests (maybe even help with writing) that support the...
farmOS_wfs already supports bounding-box queries btw :)