Results 11 issues of Jon S Akhtar

Hello @carloscuesta :sunglasses:! - Emoji: 🕵️ - Code: `:detective:` - Description: This generalizes the Health Check (#668) proposal to mean any code that enhances the observability of the code. This...


`java.lang.NullPointerException at com.intellij.extapi.psi.ASTDelegatePsiElement.getStartOffsetInParent( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor214.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at idea.plugin.psiviewer.util.IntrospectionUtil.getValue( at idea.plugin.psiviewer.view.PropertySheetPanel.setTarget( at idea.plugin.psiviewer.view.PsiViewerPanel.updatePropertySheet( at idea.plugin.psiviewer.view.PsiViewerPanel.setSelectedElement( at idea.plugin.psiviewer.view.PsiViewerPanel.access$600( at idea.plugin.psiviewer.view.PsiViewerPanel$ViewerTreeSelectionListener.valueChanged( at javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel.fireValueChanged( at javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel.notifyPathChange( at javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel.setSelectionPaths( at javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel.setSelectionPath(

Contracts do not allow variable number of parameters due to a length check which looks like it may just be to prevent an out of bounds condition in the next...

good first issue

Under the new permissions model you have to request access to the camera at runtime. The sample app doesn't do this. So in order to make it work you have...

I think I have owned every version of the tool. I challenge anyone to find a more functional tool . It needs to be in the list.

HEC supports passing additional fields that are not directly part of the event data. This is useful for example to provide additional metadata about the events beyond just the sourcename....


``` To reindex this file IDEA has to be restarted: 200, throwable=java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 200 at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.new_localvar( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.localstat( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.statement( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.chunk( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.parse( ```

Here is the stack. I don't have a reproduction yet: ``` java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4659 at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.FuncState.getjumpcontrol( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.FuncState.patchtestreg( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.FuncState.patchlistaux( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.FuncState.dischargejpc( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.FuncState.code( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.FuncState.codeABC( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.forbody( at com.sylvanaar.idea.Lua.lang.parser.kahlua.KahluaParser.forlist( at...

The swift libraries are not resigned properly. The app crashes instantly on load. This is for App Store builds. (Or TestFlight as was in this case).

The CLDR data does not have data for locales in the form xx-XX where XX are the same 2 characters. e.g. it-IT. I assume the expectation is to use just...