Syed Irfan Ahmed Ansari
Syed Irfan Ahmed Ansari
Can snowalert access AWS S3 to send attachments.
i don't see any part in where they take attachments. so this means the current handlers don't support file attachment from any where.
at our end snowalert runs on AWS ECR. if the attachment is to be added then that file needs to present in running machine. for attachment to work the file...
Can you send me a sample for using SES handler
Can you please share a sample select for SMTP handler
Hi, Can you please provide Steps to configure Snowalert on AWS using Cloud formation Template. Thanks! Irfan.
Hi, it seems we are getting duplicate alerts. the way we are running is we have a view in snowflake to which the final Alert query is pointing and we...
Hi, For the same above example i can see the SNS got the message present in the Handlers array but not the event data. how can the event data be...
Some thing like this. where event data is part of the handler ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( OBJECT_CONSTRUCT( 'type', 'sns', 'topic', 'snowalert_topic', 'message', description, 'event_data',object_construct(*) ) ) AS handlers
Can you share a Sample for SNS where event data is also passed to the SNS Handler.