Sydo Luciani
Sydo Luciani
@stevepiercy One major change in Bootstrap 4 is moving to [flexbox]( and dropping .form-horizontal which didn't affect Deform, since none of the vertical or horizontal alignments is used in current...
I can confirm that beautify.css is not referenced in any of the widget requirements or in [default_resources]( Let's start by removing beautify.css, and cleaning up [TODO]( The less dependency, the...
[help-block is dropped]( in Bootstrap 4 and we need to use form-text and form-text text-danger in case of error instead. this fixes the error text color. @stevepiercy please merge deformdemo...
@stevepiercy with current configuration Deform latest pull request needs to be pushed to pip repository to be able to run the Deformdemo test successfully and then run the functional test...
@stevepiercy I think we best continue fixing issues gradually and with minimal changes to adapt to Bootstrap 4 and closing outstanding issues or pull requests. there are some structural changes...
@stevepiercy I was not able to point Deformdemo's Deform installation in to different branch in github, but we can create a deform_3_dev branch and merge new pull requests to...
@stevepiercy We can create deformdemo_3_dev branch, that is pointing to deform_3_dev instead of using pip repository, and merge these to master branch when happy with overal pull request changes merged...
> `master` in both repos should serve as development. This may be contrary to the philosophy of "master should always be deployable", but that is OK. See how we handle...
> After I break out deformdemo into `2.0-branch`, `latest`, and `master`, I will cut a new release of Deform 2.0.12 to align with deformdemo. I'll try to get this done...
@stevepiercy with the latest merge, we fixed textinput, mapping and sequece widgets but I just noticed select2 and select fields still not reflecting fields with the error in different color....