Do you know how expensive of a query cost is too expensive? Another option is that we could [create a trigger]( that tracked any record deletions in the `history_*` tables...
@2opremio the other point is the `history_transaction_claimable_balances` and `history_operation_claimable_balances` were missing indices for `claimable_balance_id` which is what was causing joins/searches on `claimable_balance_id` to be super slow. @sreuland added the indices...
@acharb Just confirming from this [slack convo]( that you would still be ok if Hubble performed this check instead of Horizon? Will there be any drawback to a 15-30 min...
Estimated the ticket for discovery first and will follow up with a ticket to implement a fix.
Internal runbook is hard to find: Can we create an incident response, or shortened release document so that partners and newer team members can coordinate a hotfix when horizon...
We should make sure that we are streamlining the flags passed that specify captive-core vs data lake source system ingestion so that operators cannot configure invalid variants. The flags should...
out of scope: productionalizing the code so that Horizon can fetch files from the GCS bucket. This will require coordination with ops
➕ Yes, I agree that diagnostic events should be standardized where applicable. Otherwise the code to parse and aggregate events will be brittle and the maintenance burden will be high.
Fixed the export_transactions and export_operations tests. The other broken tests require a working captive core, which i'm still working on.
@amishas157 we can close this ticket, correct? I believe resolved