Baskup 3 MAS
curious about the progress in getting version 3 in to the Mac App Store (per your website info)? and, will that app provide a nicely formatted PDF export option (with...
i know html/css, but just haven't been able to get a grip on js/php - i've read'n'read but still can't figure it out. so any help on this would be...
hello, thank you for such an easy pie chart script ;-) is it possible for the **beginning** of the animated line to have a "**butt**" lineCap, and the **ending** of...
does Keka have a Mac OS X QuickLook plugin in order to see what's inside a zip file from within the Finder?
hello, i spent DAYS researching & trying out all the various plugins that do this (FitText, FlowType, TextFill, TextFit, etc etc etc) as well as numerous off-the-cuff ideas from StackOverflow...
is it possible to have the slideshow be randomized BUT always start with the same one particular slide? so, always start on 0 but every slide thereafter be random? i've...
i know HTML/CSS but my JS/Jquery skills are pretty lacking _(for now)_. i've been researching & busting my brain but can't seem to figure out how to get the "**Progress**"...