
Results 2 issues of 宋万盛

## Bug report(问题描述) 将API中post相关请求的参数包装到`formData`中后,就不能识别了 `body-parser`难道不能解析`formData`吗? #### Steps to reproduce(问题复现步骤) 1. `src/store/modules/user.js` 改成如下方式 ``` ... login({ commit }, userInfo) { const { username, password } = userInfo return new Promise((resolve, reject)...

I have an issue with ReactEditor.hasDOMNode() https://slate-js.slack.com/archives/C1RH7AXSS/p1687247898954169 https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate/blob/4b8ba512e77c0bbca5f7f73dfe32697806734534/packages/slate-react/src/plugin/react-editor.ts#L457-L465 1. why should distinguish between `isContentEditable`=undefined or false, there seems to be no situation where it is null 2. why when `editable=true`...