
Results 8 comments of swlaschin

Thanks for letting me know about this. I can't reproduce this on latest Chrome or Firefox on Windows. Is this still a problem? Thanks!

Yes, that page is over 7 years old now and very out of date. Thanks for the reminder to update it!

Hi Tony, Thanks for contacting me. The complete source is on my github here: https://github.com/swlaschin/DomainModelingMadeFunctional I haven't uploaded the little fragments used throughout the book, but you should be able...

Oops, I think I misunderstood -- are you talking about the code on my website (fsharpforfunandprofit.com) or the code for my book "Domain Modeling Made Functional"? For the code on...

Thanks for this. Is this in connection with the GitBook version of the site? If so, please see [the discussion here](https://www.gitbook.com/book/swlaschin/fsharpforfunandprofit/discussions/1). TL;DR -- it's out of my control. :( I...

Yes, I need to rewrite this section. It's old! I wish the internet would stay still :)

Thanks for the kind words! Yes, please do feel free to fork it and use the code in any way you like. I'll add an open-source licence ASAP. Thanks! On...

I agree with your points! In fact I wrote a whole post about when NOT to use Results :) https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/against-railway-oriented-programming/ In short, use Result for domain modeling and use exceptions...