Eric Jackson
Eric Jackson
Shouldn't the `try...except` get caught in `osd.remove` since exceptions do not propagate across runners? Also, the `osd.remove` module is user facing and should give a reasonable return error independent of...
There's a technical impossibility with the way things currently work. I do not believe this could ever be part of the rpm since many of the configuration files have minion...
With regards to the 15 minutes is forever - yeah, I know. Still, I have seen the worse case BIOS + RAID BIOS + other BIOS + actual boot time...
We could replace the first slash with `__opts__['root_dir']` which would address this. Is there a need to replace '/srv/pillar' and '/srv/salt' with `__opts__['pillar_roots']['base'][0]` and `__opts__['file_roots']['base'][0]`? Just for reference:
Of the problems that I have experienced with mines, I do not believe `mine.send` has been one. :) Since it's a module, you can run it directly `# salt 'minionX*'...
@Misanac What version of Salt are you using? And would this be on SLE? To help debug if the problem is related to a single state, would you try the...
This is not trivial. Salt only looks in two places effectively: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt and /srv. The most correct answer is likely migrating from /srv to site_packages/salt for modules and runners. With...
I found that I did not submit my final (It was still in my VM.) It's there now with a force push. To experiment with yapf3, I created two...
The func_name looks good. I am wondering if module_name and func_name should just be one key. So, the value would be `podman.create_initial_keyring`. (At some point, I would like to revisit...
Another implementation using Python imports within Salt The Podman class in this example only builds the command. The `cmd.run_all` remains in the module.