Marcin Świątkiewicz
Marcin Świątkiewicz
Have you tried testing it in rails console? It's working like " 'somethig' ", and then you should see info about search engine (sql or sphinx). 2015-02-05 15:57 GMT+01:00...
@dominch Follow this steps to fix this: Open file: issues_index.rb and replace line 7 with set_property :enable_star => true, next in main project("Redmine") catalog (not in plugin) run 'rake ts:rebuid'...
@dominch Open config/production.rb then find line config.logger.lever or log_level, and it should equal to :debug like config.log_level = :debug In thinkingSphinx is another problem, because if you add new issue...
@dominch In my case when I'm looking for word 'test': Project:  Results:  This seems to be ok, right? I think you like get something like this, right?
Hi @rbruhn . It works for me on Redmine 3.1. Try comment out lines gem 'simpleconv' and source :rubygems in this plugin Gemfile file. It's already included in Redmine Gemfile....