thanks for the suggestion! restarting plover does unfortunately not work. the keycode 105 is what plover believed to be Control_R, which is the control key I use for my control...
hi @bepolymathe! unfortunately i can't get backlinks to appear; neither with brain links nor standard file links. it also doesn't seem matter if one or both files are included in...
hm maybe i'll have a look at org-roam and see how the relationships between entries and resources work there. if the idea is to refer to different types of entities...
Hi, I'm not sure how my idea is similar to `org-brain-headline-cache` since I don't know that code too well (it didn't catch my attention when I was looking for places...
Hi @bepolymathe ! I completely agree with you that friend relations are to be used for non-hierarchical links. But I still think that non-hierarchical relationships can nevertheless be directed. In...
Yup indeed! I'd like to see all actors and all movies (and the links between them) at the same time to get idea of the structure. What I have in...
little update: I've been hacking some visualization together which looks somewhat like I had in mind originally; it's nowhere near finished but what's there i've uploaded [here](https://github.com/swhalemwo/obr-viz) regarding the selection/query...
@Kungsgeten Thanks! graph-tool is doing the layout calculations, i just listed it separately from the other python libs because it can be quite a hassle to install (it was for...
@theottm glad to see there's interest! I think I came across d3.js (not issue #50 tho) when looking for graph visualization, e.g. [here](https://observablehq.com/@d3/force-directed-graph) which tbh looks quite fancy. I think...