Brian Swetland

Results 17 comments of Brian Swetland

Adding DAT/DATA (and making WORD accept multiple arguments) is on my list, but I'm planning on doing it a bit differently. In particular I'll handle quoted string processing internal to...

Yup -- part of the "make peripherals modular" change I plan to make is to also separate the core of the emulator from the wrapper program, to allow for easier...

At some point I'm going to have to decide if I'm going to follow all of Notch's syntactic decisions or not (personally I prefer []s to ()s and much prefer...

Hmmm. Lots of nice improvements. Might have to find some time this weekend to upgrade to the new architecture.

Hmm. That's fixable. It gets a little weird though if you want to be able to use labels named "a" or the like. Easiest fix for now is probably removing...

The problem is that [a,b] is ambiguous if we allow labels to alias register names. Aliasing keywords is not a problem though, you're right.

I think just a recipe for assembling a scratch docker container would be nice. I suspect it might be smoother than mucking about with systemd (ew), xinited (ew), creating users,...

``` lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, "myfile.ext", LFS_O_WRONLY | LFS_O_CREAT); ``` The `LFS_O_CREAT` flag tells lfs to create the file if it does not already exist. If you want to read *and* write,...

I can confirm that this does indeed result in RXEMPTY becoming nonzero when the last character is read from the fifo. Thanks! The bios firmware does not appear to be...

I have a simple test I can expand -- is there a place in the litex tree / build system for software tests? I see soc/software/demo but don't see that...