Sebastian Weitmann
Sebastian Weitmann
Hi Armaghan, It would be great if we could add the possibility to select and memorize the appropriate (AR_paid/ AP_paid) account to each Revolut account listed under 'Import--Revolut--Transactions' like this:...
Hi Armaghan, Imported transactions in foreign currency that are processed according to 'Import--Revolut-Rules' are booked with exchange rate 1:1 instead of with the ones defined for the foreign currency in...
Hi Armaghan, Here is an example of this issue:  Here the card_payment is -3.713,36 and the bank adds a fee of 37,13 on top...
Hi Armaghan, I'm not sure how to best handle this, but currently we book transactions that have been "reverted" and thus the balance goes out of sync: ![Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-14 um...
Adding Taxnumber to defaults.
Hi Armaghan, It seems that AP and AR transactions are not considered properly when SQL-Ledger calculates the starting balance when you run a trial balance for a certain department. I...
Hi Armaghan, We usually use the 'System--Bank Accounts' details to print the bank account details in the various LaTeX-Templates. For some reason, the 'AR--Report--AR Aging' Statement does not have access...
Hi Armaghan, as discussed, we should add a end date for departments. Regards
As discussed earlier on Slack: The Income Statement drill down feature shows 'accrual' bookings and totals, although 'cash' is selected before running the report and although 'cash' totals are shown...