Swarup Donepudi
Swarup Donepudi
I am interested to contribute to this project. I too was at Kubecon last week. It was an amazing week I should say. Anyway, please let me know how to...
hmmm so you are the one who implemented CloudCollectionsListener @HoustonPutman ... http://opensearch.krugle.org/document/view_filecontent/solr_os/scmi_30.20.55.1_8767/lucene-solr-code/solr/CHANGES.txt#85 Nice work :)
@HoustonPutman makes total sense. While I agree that REST interface may not give the watch functionality that is offered by zkstatereader java version, I am trying to make it work...
Nevermind. I got the watch working in the java app. Now working on setting the directional stream.
@HoustonPutman I was able to get the watcher prototype working as outlined in the diagram - https://github.com/bloomberg/solr-operator/issues/40#issuecomment-548977672 I created a bidirectional stream grpc server in java using springboot - https://github.com/swarupdonepudi/solr-zkstatereader-grpc-server...
But @sepulworld asked me a really good question - how can this ability to setup a watch improve solr-operator?. I did not have an answer to this question. I was...
Glad to hear positive feedback from both of you @HoustonPutman and @sepulworld. I will add the apache license. Yes, this `broker` accepts zookeeper url as grpc request inputs which are...
if @HoustonPutman and other parties involved agree to this proposal I can start working on it.
the description of this issue is misleading... consider changing it to "possible to collapse nav bar by default?" ?
Yaay!! congrats @akshayjshah and The entire team at Buf.