Simon Warren

Results 9 issues of Simon Warren

Trying to fetch the [latest release via Jitpack]( results in an error: > Git error. Max repo size 500MB exceeded **Expected behaviour**: the `.pex` file should be downloaded **Actual behaviour**:...

When running `buck test` with the `--xml` argument, the resulting XML file contains the name of the test class that was run in a `` element and the name of...

The documentation around the `--include` and `--exclude` flags of `buck test` are a bit confusing and doesn't seem to match up with how it works in practice. I'm not sure...

The behaviour of `python_library` when used as a dependency to another build rule is currently inconsistent (or at least, the documentation doesn't make it clear what should and should not...

It appears that the output of `./buck --version` is wrong in `v2021.01.12.01`, as it reports itself as being `v2020.09.01.01`. I believe that this is because the `.buckrelease` file hasn't been...

### Description of the feature request: I believe it would be useful to query for the "runtime" dependencies of a given target. By "runtime" here, I don't necessarily just mean...

type: feature request

Title is a bit vague here, apologies for that. Out-of-the-box, it is only possible to provide a single entry point to `java_test`, e.g. ``` java_test( name = "com.example.MyLovelyUnitTest", test_class =...

It seems that `--java_language_version` and related flags are not respected by `rules_java`. **Expected behaviour**: setting the following flags in `.bazelrc` should build using a Java 17 JDK: ``` build --java_language_version=17...


Add a new convenience method to the `DslParams` interface that allows the raw `String` arguments to be extracted, so that they can then be parsed into another instance. This would...