Swapnanil Dutta
Swapnanil Dutta
Faced this issue in this repository [HackerRank Repository](https://github.com/swapnanildutta/Hackerrank-Codes). Issue-> [Issue link](https://github.com/swapnanildutta/Hackerrank-Codes/issues/328)
Please add the entire question on top as a comment. Check the other codes in the repository for reference.
Thank you for your contributions.
> I can add Kotlin Yeah sure
Yeah, sure you can.
Please add the entire question on top as a comment. Check the other codes in the repository for reference. Also, add a file extension.
Is it related to HackerRank? If yes please add the entire question on top as a comment.
Yeah Sure. You're most welcome. Just add the HackerRank Question on top and then the code. And also Update the README in the directory.
The description of the directory, how to execute the codes there and which codes are present there.
Please add the entire questions on top as a comment.