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Semantic parser for API specifications
All rules needs to be scoped explicitly using exports from [target-specs.ts](https://github.com/swagger-api/apidom/blob/0e921ae87b680f7b52dc120d82f346fb724777f2/packages/apidom-ls/src/config/asyncapi/target-specs.ts#L4) If existing rules don't have any scoping `AsyncAPI2` MUST be used. If existing rules have existing scoping rules, then...
The goal of this issue is to determine if it make sense to switch from stamps to mixins. If it is determined that we're going to do that, another issue...
Not all keywords in our common Schema Object are covered with linting rules. I've just confirmed that OpenAPI 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0.x are fully covered. What's missing is AsyncAPI 2.x...
see https://github.com/swagger-api/apidom/pull/3682 by @char0n : > Needed to fiddle with document URI to see the bug. Creating unique document uri made me see the bug and uncovered a hidden issue...
Media Type is defined as https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/2.0.md#mime-types Now the goal of this issue is to validate all media types as valid. ### Part 1 Provide media type parser based on https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6838...
The goal of this issue is to create parser plugins in the apidom-reference package. **ToDo:** - [x] [JSON parser plugin](https://github.com/swagger-api/apidom/pull/3568) - [ ] YAML parser plugin
The goal of this issue is to add support for Workflows 1.0.0 to the apidom-ls package. It is not in the scope of this issue to produce linting/docs/completion rules.
Passing apidom-reference options is necessary to have in cases where apidom-ls user want to use his/hers own resolver or parser plugins. It a necessity for enterprise environments where resources are...
Currently it's not possible to serialize dereferenced ApiDOM. Dereferenced ApiDOM has a formal structure defined as: directed cyclic graph. In order to use our already build-in serialization mechanism we need...
Package name will be `@swagger-api/apidom-logging`. It will implement Python 3.x logging API: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html. **Reasons:** Python 3.x logging API supports logger hierarchies, which is something that will come pretty handy in...