> Similar to #4631. Currently ONNX doesn't have prebuilt wheel for Python 3.11 so actually you were building ONNX from source and cmake is required. I already have installed cmake...
> May I understand what's your output of command `which cmake`? Did you mean to extract the version of cmake? 
it is using 3.24.3 version ( I think this is the latest available too) 
Thank you for looking into this - Wheel is version 0.38.2, setuptools is 65.5.1 (which are both the latest versions). Downloaded Python 3.11.0 from Python.org
> pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ onnx-weekly > Since the latest main branch seems worked well with Python 3.11 (#4490), could you please try this latest ONNX weekly package? (use `pip...
Then there is an issue relating to certificates. Any ETA on when the whl will be released? 
Is model R estimate to be released on September 18?