Petr Onderka

Results 63 comments of Petr Onderka

@SunnyWar How could an unknown-sized array returned from a method be stack allocated? Unless `Split` (and `SplitInternal` and say `InternalSplitKeepEmptyEntries`) is inlined, I don't see how could that be done....

@Mike-EEE @AndyAyersMS Since this issue is about stack allocation, shouldn't discussion about delegate inlining continue somewhere else (maybe at Though I realize the two problems are connected.

@KathleenDollard > Are you looking at this just in the context of #9172, or are you also using the parser for other purposes (via fork, copy, etc.)? I'm not using...

@BillWagner > Move more toward "full" C# as opposed to the C# interactive syntax. The interactive is great early in learning, but gets limiting as soon as we're teaching larger...

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Why do you call `SetApartmentState`? If you need to call it on Windows only, you could achieve that by changing your code to something like: ```c# if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) Thread.SetApartmentState(…); ```

Sorry, I didn't have the time to look into this until now. I think there isn't any good solution. A collection that also has a property doesn't fit well into...

Live preview uses index.php, and I'm not going to use that, this library is for accessing the MediaWiki _API_, nothing else. There is a similar module in the API: [`parse`](

@alrz > However, it should not *always* check for null, only when it's being used with null-conditional member access. I would find it confusing if `await a?.b;` gave different result...

@bbarry @jnm2 I'm not sure this is a problem that can be solved with technical solutions. I think it's an undesirable situation when you find some code e.g. on Stack...