Stefan Verhoeven

Results 83 issues of Stefan Verhoeven

At the moment the runner service must be kept online so it can accept jobs (GitHub Action workflow jobs). This requires a server to be running, doing nothing most of...

[act]( is a tool to run GH workflows locally. It would be nice to mention act as an alternative for running a local runner. It also ships with [Docker images](

Add the guides in this repo to the awesome list. List was mentioned on

A self-hosted runnner can be used to measure speed degradation as it is known dedicated hardware. It would be nice to have an example which can monitor whether jobs are...

Some HPC clusters now promote using [uftp]( to transfer files. Would be nice to support this protocol. See There is a Java client at

As reported at a user would like more info on their jobs. To fetch everything you can use `sacct --helpformat` to get list of all fields and concat them...

Slurm Adaptor

To authenticate against SURFSara's dCache servers a token (Macaroon) is needed. At the moment the Xenon webdav adaptor only accepts username/password combi. It would be nice if Xenon was able...

Method [SchedulerLocationConfig .getMaxWaintUntilDone()]( should be called `SchedulerLocationConfig .getMaxWaitUntilDone()`.

When job takes longer than 5 seconds calling `scheduler.waitUntilDone(jobId, 5000)` will result in a status object which is not yet done (`status.isDone() == false`). I did not expect this, I...

I would like to be able to do ```java JobDescription expected = new JobDescription() .setExecutable("wc") .setArguments("-l") ; ``` Where `setExecutable()` returns `this`. This will make JobDescription construction less verbose.
