Joel Svensson

Results 5 issues of Joel Svensson

Used these commands from your docker file to obtain tensorflow: curl -O && \ tar zxf libtensorflow-cpu-linux-x86_64-2.3.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local && \ ldconfig && \ But when doing stack build:...

YamlReference> Building library for YamlReference-0.10.0.. YamlReference> [1 of 1] Compiling Text.Yaml.Reference YamlReference> YamlReference> /tmp/stack-1699d85c47253409/YamlReference-0.10.0/Text/Yaml/Reference.hs:713:3: error: YamlReference> ‘fail’ is not a (visible) method of class ‘Monad’ YamlReference> | YamlReference> 713 |...

Using a y axisLabel while drawing on canvas causes trouble for me. Characters are cut off, that is a "O" will look more like an "U" ![yaxiscutoff](

The attempt to build was made on Ubuntu 21.10 using stack and the current state of ThreadScope master branch. commit d70f45eb1d6a5dab13d4ea338d58d91389b77bd4 ``` cairo > configure cairo > [1 of 2]...

p90a,b,c fails in ExplicitShapes (doBinds) explicitShapes: doBinds got unexpected =TTuple [TArray 1 TInt,TArray 1 TInt,TArray 1 TInt] p92 and p92a sends backend-kit into infinite loop: !! victory is CLOSE --...
