Results 13 issues of Axel Svensson

Syntax highligting bug in web-mode 17.0.4. JavaScript regex can include unescaped slash characters, like this: ``` /regex[abc/]withSlash/ ``` It seems that web-mode misinterprets the middle slash as signifying the end...


First off, thanks for making dicebot! It would be great if roll instructions could be saved to an alias, scoped to a user. As a suggestion, the syntax could be...

# Feature request Let the user access a text representation of their settings. ## Summary The desired doc selection and other settings are likely to be the same across machines,...


When pressing a key with a non-english alphabetical character for a head-char, ace-jump-mode classifies this character as `'other` when it should be `'alpha`. Here is the fix: ``` modified ace-jump-mode.el...

The block elements have a `type` field, but sometimes it's in lowercase, sometimes capitalized. ``` { "type": "rich_text_section", "elements": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Blabla\n" } ] }, { "Type":...


**Describe the bug** Member lists in `groups.json` and `channel.json` are null. The stated number of members in `groups.json` is claimed to be zero. **To Reproduce** `./slackdump/slackdump -export -export-type mattermost...


Currently, tree-view is almost useless for finding resource hogs. The reason is that sorting on e.g. CPU use in tree-view mode, will sort the process tree based on the CPU...

new feature

Work in progress: Fix for issue #369. Theme changes won't update background color and fringe width automatically. Previously, there was advice to delete frame after load-theme. This commit changes this...

Steps to reproduce: * Add a custom icon to the keepass database. * Create a template entry and set the icon to custom icon nr 1. * Create a new...

need more information