
Results 4 comments of suyunas

Thank you for your response. Attached is the output window: ![today]( [Remote PC] Upper left: $ roscore [Pi] Upper right: $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch [Remote PC] Middle left: $ export...

Apologies in typing i put ~/tb3_ssh_keygen However from the picture above it is clear that i have used ~/tb3_ssh_keygen I have also tried by removing the ssh keys...

1. nano ~/.bashrc configurations for Remote PC: alias eb='nano ~/.bashrc' alias sb='source ~/.bashrc' alias gs='git status' alias gp='git pull' alias cw='cd ~/catkin_ws' alias cs='cd ~/catkin_ws/src' alias cm='cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make'...

can be seen in the middle right: ![Screenshot from 2021-04-30 11-04-17](